NAMASTE, Holi, Hi, Ciao! Welcome to BODY + MIND + SOUL

A beautiful inner journey to discover our most authentic and deepest self. Because knowing yourself is first step of a path that leads to freedom, balance and happiness.
Hi! If You are new in Valencia, or You wanna start a practice of Yoga and for You is very important connect with the element of Nature too, You are in the good site!
Mostly at the Beach or in the Turia Park, we have both!
Recently I write in Instagram, of the important of the element in Nature. If we connect with this element, we already feel better, our battery charge and everything is more clear.
So this is how is born the idea of mix Nature + Yoga
If You wanna enjoy, discover something different, find new friends, please follow the linktree with any kind of class/event
and feel free to contact me!
Vinyasa: We start with a #pranayama, is a deep nasal breath technique, where we connect with ourself and the body, followed by an energizing Vinyasa flow, we have some asana inversion and we close our practice, with one of the most difficult asana, #savasana
YinYoga: We start with a #pranayama, is a deep nasal breath technique, where we connect with ourself and the body, followed by a restorative YinYoga Flow, and we close our practice, with one of the most difficult asana, #savasana
VINYASA: This dynamic yoga practice is characterised by its fluidity of movement and its synchronicity with the breath. There is a deep connection between body and breath and more advanced asanas are often practised. It is a faster yoga, a harmonic flow that keeps us strongly focused in the moment, strengthening the physical body. Its first definition describes Vinyasa as the connection between body movement and breath. And it is exactly that: a sequence of movements coordinated with the breath. Each position is fluidly and dynamically connected to the next. At the same time, the movements of the body are coordinated with the breathing: each movement occurs during an exhalation or inhalation. It is a marvellous approach to yoga that immediately wins you over with its powerful effects and immediate enjoyment.
Following the principle of the harmonious flow of breath and movement, the student's mind is soon totally immersed in the practice, distracted from its habitual patterns and the 'outside' world.
In the pursuit of union (which is precisely the meaning of the word yoga) of breath and movement, and of the various asanas and sequences, it is easy to get in touch with our inner world, to detach our heads from our thoughts. Which is one of the aims of the practice. What I love most about this style is the freedom and exploration, both practising and teaching, especially while leading a class, I always have the feeling, which is also reality, of creating with maximum freedom and inspiration a new choreography, a new sequence, linking the positions to each other and taking care of the transitions in and out.
YINYOGA: Yin is an intense, slow practice aimed at stimulating vital energy.
During the class we hold the positions for several minutes in order to let gravity act passively on the muscles, we try to listen and feel every sensation.
It gives great flexibility and releases all physical and mental tensions.
A more relaxed, slow style of yoga, holding the positions for a long time to eliminate tension and open up the body.
MY ADVICE: Is good have in our week both, the #yinyoga is more focus on the breath and you can really understand how breath, practise how to leave thoughts, rich flexibility ( in body and mind ) ; the #vinyasa is very powerful and more dinamic, so, yes we understand how breath and we gane more strenght ( in body and mind )
I like to say that I am on a constant quest for well-being, balance and awareness.
Through movement, meditation, breathing, connecting with nature and conscious nutrition. To live this life to the fullest, in body, mind & spirit. Seeking to share it, to the fullest with others. Inspiring.
See You on the mat! An hug, Ele 💗
#yogawithlafiorentina #inspirariscopritivivi #lafiorentinaexperience #yoga #yogui #valencia #yogavalencia #yogaoutdoor #yogabeach #turiapark #malvarrosabeach #vinyasa #yinyoga #bodymindsoul