EVENTAZO!! The time has come!
I had mentioned that the events would start again soon and finally, we are here!!
I am happy to invite You to..
Creative Vinyasa Flow: Where Yoga & Art are ONE.
We'll be together in this very special location to dedicate a moment entirely to Us. Yoga, Creative workshops & more.. Breathe, relax, find your happiness, new friends & lots of laughs guaranteed!
I am waiting for you to discover a deep way of practicing yoga, pranayama, meditation, art, journaling, dance and connecting to our inner world; I can't wait to be there together!
COME TO CELEBRATE! Happy April, Happy Spring, Happy awakening!!
💌🌺 It will be a special day, honoured as a celebration of life and fertility: the equinox time, the transition from winter to spring.
This season is considered the greatest opportunity for renewal and rebirth. This is the time when we plant the seeds to be nurtured in the coming months, to witness the endless cycle of birth, growth and change. It is also the perfect time to find balance between all the opposing forces, between yin & yang, light & dark, inside & outside.
Thanks to this bright and colourful atmosphere, we are invited to redefine who we are and what we want. After wrapping ourselves in the winter, we are ready for a new cycle in our lives. So, just like the beginning of the year, this is the perfect time to start a new project or renew an old one.
It is another ideal time to celebrate new life, to remind ourselves that in order to invite new energy and opportunities, we need to shed old layers, habits and beliefs. 🌺
For listen our trueself and creat something unique with your own hands.
We live in a reality in which communication plays a fundamental role. Regardless of the context, be it home, work or school, being able to communicate is very important.
Good communication skills allow everyone to express their own ideas, but above all to be able to listen to those of others.
When Vishuddha chakra is open you can express yourself clearly and clearly, tactfully, without offending. Your voice is calm and relaxed, you know how to listen to others and you can always express what you think and let go. You are able to express creativity, with words and artistic disciplines.
This improves our personal relationships, allowing us to be much more prone to communication and collective participation. This confidence, which follows the absence of fear or dread, means that once we take the floor, we do not worry about what others are thinking of us.
Are You In ? ✨
Come with a friend, you get a special discount on the final price! Check below..
When & Where: Sunday 3 April 2022 | Espacio Creativo Utopia | 12/15.00
Meeting in the Room
Vinyasa flow
Workshop: Art & Creativity
Listen Yourself + Reflexion
Brunch with Your new friends
Your Yoga mat
a water bottle
Diary & Your prefer Pen
Class: Vinyasa for all level
Language: Mostly Eng + Spa/Ita/sanscrit
Brunch: it will be a vegetarian brunch, if u need special menu, please, let me know, in your reservation by Whatsapp
Event + Brunch: € 38
Event: € 30
If You come with a friend:
Event + Brunch: € 35
Event: € 28
Reserved: Please remember, if you want to attend, don't waste too much time, there are only a few places available. And for organize the event, at the best, we ask to reserve before the event, Thanks 🥰
Whatsapp: 625490700
A virtual hug, Ele 🙏🏻💗
#yogavalencia #yoga #yogaenvalencia #creative #art #valencia #sundayevent #lafiorentinaexperience #inspirariscopritivivi